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Post-surgical notes on pain: Tolerance, Perception, and Ego

  concept, design, and material Lydia Lowery Busler Post-Surgical Notes on Pain:  Tolerance, Perception, and Ego The Joyful Path LLC by Lydia Lowery Busler I tend to think of myself as hard-to-kill. I've had a great many catastrophic events in my life, months at a time hospitalized, and have died and come back. I've also grown back parts of my body thought impossible. It tends to make one think of oneself as impenetrable. It's not even something I think to discuss. It's just like having an arm. "Yup, that's my arm. I've had it a long time." So many who know me think of me as a survivor. That's fair, though personally I'm working toward a more peaceful existence these days. Others have noticed my extremely high pain threshold. I'd never really considered it strongly, I just don't fear pain and what I feel about it has been me all along. Why make a fuss? Quite recently, I had major abdominal surgery. You see, one of those events earlier i

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