Imagine the Miracle

Imagine the Miracle

Lydia Lowery Busler


Imagine a world, our world, flourishing, contented, nourished, and free. Everyone has what they need and is content with what they have. Everyone has shelter and enough food to eat. People live a good and respectable life and respect life around them. Animals live a good life based on their natural habitat. Rivers are clean, the ocean is clear. There is enough power and power is where it needs to be.

Imagine yourself being content, fulfilled by a good day working in your purpose and to your potential. People in your community are cordial, friendly, at ease. Stores are not crowded, there’s plenty for everyone and it’s easy to make decisions based on the ethics you follow being observed and available. There is little waste because products are made with integrity and longevity. People in workplaces and stores are happy. 

Now take a deep breath. Notice your feet on the floor or on the ground and wiggle all of your toes. Let your gaze fall upon the most beautiful or interesting thing in front of you. Take another deep breath and allow your eyes to close for a moment. Be present behind those closed eyes. Allow your breath to return to its normal pace and imagine that you are attached to the Earth by a golden tether of energy, like a tree root, nourishing you. Allow your presence to fall up and back in your head and then imagine that each person you see is also attached to the Earth by a golden tether. 

Now you are attached to the collective energy. Call it God, call it source, call it ancestry, we are attached to it no matter what we choose to call it. When we know where we come from, it doesn’t occur to us to bring injury to another because there would be no reason to hurt the divine.

Yet we do take for ourselves, take from others, blame, injure, and steel. We justify these things with stories we are told and stories we tell. We believe things with no foundation. We believe the first story we are told. We are not connected to our intuition or our gut knowledge which knows truth. 

Regardless of whether we approach a day with intention and presence and the knowledge that we are part of the whole or we live a day of reactivity, we are connected. What injuries go around come back to us. What goodness goes into the world is goodness that shines upon us.  

Ask yourself: what do I love? Not what do I need, but what do I love? Do I love war? Do I love famine? Do I love struggle? Do I love pain? 

Or do I love good smells and friendly people? Do I love sound sleep? Do I love my family? Do I love health? Do I love birds? Do I love good food? Do I love the contentment of good days' work? Do I love respect? Do I love fun? Do I love humor? Do I love art? Do I love film? Do I love music? Do I love to garden? Do I love sports?

Celebrate love. Be love. Spread more love. When we do, we are healing and uniting life itself. 

Miracles happen every day. They happen based on the deposits to the collective consciousness of which we may not be aware. One of us makes deposits to the collective consciousness. The question is, can you receive these deposits?

Every one of us receives these deposits. We simply don’t choose over what we receive and what we get if our deposits are random, reactionary, and lack intention.

Bridge the gaps. Find the intention on the other side. Time and time again, we find that intentions are more coordinated than we first thought.  We don’t want war, we want change, we want respect, we want love. These are fundamental human needs which, when we acknowledge them in one another, we can come together and create miracles. Intentional miracles born out of love and hope.  

Be the change by acting with intention. Be miraculous by acting from your heart, with love. Step into your power by connecting to the collective energy. You are one with that energy. You were born of creation itself and you belong within it. 

Act with love, act with purpose, and create the deposits which we would wish to receive. #lovemore 

Miracles do happen. They are happening right now. Be the change. Be the intention.


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