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  I’ve been dancing late at night with gently coached guidance and sometimes it’s so fast. Yet when I’m doing it, it also goes by in an instant. “I want to do this daily,” says my heart. I notice that my brain reverts to saying "Do it right" in its perfectionist mode of primal, past-self judgment while my heart is saying, "This is awesome! We’re practicing how to let go and be loose and swingy and fast!" I want tears. I need to find them. I'm such an introvert and such a leader and such a performer and such a spiritual soul and the voice of calm and... and... I need to be as messy as I authentically am while I release more and more.  I've done so much work, survived so much, overcome so much, forgiven everything... and whatever. It's never done. I don’t need to know how much work I’ve done because honestly, I don’t truly know. It's boot camp time again, not because I need to keep up with ANYTHING else but because I want to flow with my float and b...

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